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Leaflet plugin that allows to add elevation profiles using d3js


NPM version License

A Leaflet plugin that allows to add elevation profiles using d3js

Leaflet elevation viewer

For a working example see one of the following demos:

Initially based on the work of Felix “MrMufflon” Bache

How to use

  1. include CSS & JavaScript
     <style> html, body, #map, #elevation-div { height: 100%; width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } #map { height: 75%; } #elevation-div {	height: 25%; font: 12px/1.5 "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style>
     <!-- leaflet-ui -->
     <script src=""></script>
     <script src=""></script>
     <!-- leaflet-elevation -->
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
     <script src=""></script>
  2. choose the div container used for the slippy map
     <div id="map"></div>
  3. create your first simple “leaflet-elevation” slippy map
       // Full list options at "leaflet-elevation.js"
       var elevation_options = {
         // Default chart colors: theme lime-theme, magenta-theme, ...
         theme: "lightblue-theme",
         // Chart container outside/inside map container
         detached: true,
         // if (detached), the elevation chart container
         elevationDiv: "#elevation-div",
         // if (!detached) autohide chart profile on chart mouseleave
         autohide: false,
         // if (!detached) initial state of chart profile control
         collapsed: false,
         // if (!detached) control position on one of map corners
         position: "topright",
         // Toggle close icon visibility
         closeBtn: true,
         // Autoupdate map center on chart mouseover.
         followMarker: true,
         // Autoupdate map bounds on chart update.
         autofitBounds: true,
         // Chart distance/elevation units.
         imperial: false,
         // [Lat, Long] vs [Long, Lat] points. (leaflet default: [Lat, Long])
         reverseCoords: false,
         // Acceleration chart profile: true || "summary" || "disabled" || false
         acceleration: false,
         // Slope chart profile: true || "summary" || "disabled" || false
         slope: false,
         // Speed chart profile: true || "summary" || "disabled" || false
         speed: false,
         // Altitude chart profile: true || "summary" || "disabled" || false
         altitude: true,
         // Display time info: true || "summary" || false
         time: true,
         // Display distance info: true || "summary" || false
         distance: true,
         // Summary track info style: "inline" || "multiline" || false
         summary: 'multiline',
         // Download link: "link" || false || "modal"
         downloadLink: 'link',
         // Toggle chart ruler filter
         ruler: true,
         // Toggle chart legend filter
         legend: true,
         // Toggle "leaflet-almostover" integration
         almostOver: true,
         // Toggle "leaflet-distance-markers" integration
         distanceMarkers: false,
         // Toggle "leaflet-edgescale" integration
         edgeScale: false,
         // Toggle "leaflet-hotline" integration
         hotline: true,
         // Display track datetimes: true || false
         timestamps: false,
         // Display track waypoints: true || "markers" || "dots" || false
         waypoints: true,
         // Toggle custom waypoint icons: true || { associative array of <sym> tags } || false
         wptIcons: {
           '': L.divIcon({
             className: 'elevation-waypoint-marker',
             html: '<i class="elevation-waypoint-icon"></i>',
             iconSize: [30, 30],
             iconAnchor: [8, 30],
         // Toggle waypoint labels: true || "markers" || "dots" || false
         wptLabels: true,
         // Render chart profiles as Canvas or SVG Paths
         preferCanvas: true,
       // Instantiate map (leaflet-ui).
       var map ='map', { mapTypeId: 'terrain', center: [41.4583, 12.7059], zoom: 5 });
       // Instantiate elevation control.
       var controlElevation = L.control.elevation(elevation_options).addTo(map);
       // Load track from url (allowed data types: "*.geojson", "*.gpx", "*.tcx")

Build Guide

Within your local development environment:

git clone
cd ./leaflet-elevation

npm i         # install dependencies
npm run dev   # start dev server at: http://localhost:8080
npm run build # generate "dist" files (once)
npm run test  # test all "*.spec.js" files (once)

After that you can start developing inside the src and test folders (eg. open “http://localhost:8080/test” in your browser to preview changes). Check also file for some information about it.


1. How can I change the color of the elevation plot?
There are multiple options to achieve this: * You could either use some default presets (see: theme: "lightblue-theme" option in readme file and the following file `leaflet-elevation.css` for some other default "*-theme" names). * check out [this example]( * Or add the following lines for custom colors. ```css .elevation-control .area { fill: red; } .elevation-control .background { background-color: white; ```
2. How to enable/disable the leaflet user interface customizations?
These customizations are actually part of the [leaflet-ui]( and can be toggled on/off using e.g. the following options: ```js var map ='map', { center: [41.4583, 12.7059], // needs value to initialize zoom: 5, // needs value to initialize mapTypeId: 'topo', mapTypeIds: ['osm', 'terrain', 'satellite', 'topo'], gestureHandling: false, // zoom with Cmd + Scroll zoomControl: true, // plus minus buttons pegmanControl: false, locateControl: false, fullscreenControl: true, layersControl: true, minimapControl: false, editInOSMControl: false, loadingControl: false, searchControl: false, disableDefaultUI: false, printControl: false, }); ```
3. How can I import this library as ES module? Usually, when working with a js bundler like [Vite]( or [Webpack](, you need to provide to this library the full path to some dynamically imported files from the [`srcFolder`](./src/): ```js import './your-custom-style.css'; import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css'; import L from 'leaflet'; import '@raruto/leaflet-elevation/src/index.js'; import '@raruto/leaflet-elevation/src/index.css'; const map ='map', { center: [41.4583, 12.7059] zoom: 5, }); const controlElevation = L.control.elevation({ // CHANGE ME: with your own http server folder (eg. "http://custom-server/public/path/to/leaflet-elevation/src/") srcFolder: '' }).addTo(map); // Load track from url (allowed data types: "*.geojson", "*.gpx", "*.tcx") controlElevation.load(""); ```
4. Some real world projects based on this plugin?
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Related: Leaflet-UI presets, QGIS Integration


All notable changes to this project are documented in the releases page.

Compatibile with: Leaflet 1.x compatible! d3.js v7 compatibile! @tmcw/togeojson v5 compatibile!

Contributors: MrMufflon, HostedDinner, ADoroszlai, Raruto

License: GPL-3.0+